Life Views at 21
Life is but a battlefield,
It pulls between old & new,
Lovers come & lovers go,
And true friends are rare and few.
Enchanting new people we'll surely meet,
and we'll slowly forget the old,
Someday our hearts will fall in love,
then pain and hurt is to behold.
Although I beg don't get me wrong,
Some people are honest and just ,
Just beware that others are liars and phoneys,
& in them don't place your trust.
We also have our familys,
They're there from start till end,
In particular one's mother,
Our truest, dearest friend.
But regardless of who's there for you,
You are but all alone,
So never forget whats in your heart,
Nor where your dreams are goin'.
For life is but a battlefeild,
And you deserve only the best,
So fight for what you really want,
and never settle for any less.
Simone Forgrave