I very much doubt I am alone on my trail of thought but by my goodness I'm looking forward to a cold, hard Winter.
I'm so over Summer!
In saying that the reason behind my purple mood is most likely for the fact that Summer never really happened. To me anyway.
The best weather I experienced was in London in July when the girls and I went over to Wireless. I'd say the peak of that being 28/29 degrees on Sunday the 5th and a truly delightful afternoon in Brick Lane. Yes I realise how dull that seems and it does feel that way, my first Summer since I was in Primary school that I hadn't smelt anything other than the polluted air of the UK nor tasted foods anything but homely. (apart from the odd Wagamamas that is)
However looking outside right now it does already appear as though we're already sitting in November. But you know those cold mornings when it almost feels like you'll stop breathing should you dare to slip a single toe out from under the bed sheet.. we'll I for one am now looking forward to them!
To re-establish a routine in my life, to not spend nights up late and mornings sleeping late too. To have a focus and a reason. That's what I'm looking forward to.
A boiling coffee flask in hand, biker boots with sheepskin socks underneath, woolly hats, fingerless studded gloves and a trench coat to boot. Mhmm maybe on the December/January mornings I'll dawn the ferret.
There is just something very homely about Winter. Maybe its the darkness, the log fires, the stew. Maybe its plain simple.. and its just to cold to leave your home & that's why.
Who knows?
But anyhow I can't wait. Hot water bottle at the ready.
I'm so over Summer!
In saying that the reason behind my purple mood is most likely for the fact that Summer never really happened. To me anyway.
The best weather I experienced was in London in July when the girls and I went over to Wireless. I'd say the peak of that being 28/29 degrees on Sunday the 5th and a truly delightful afternoon in Brick Lane. Yes I realise how dull that seems and it does feel that way, my first Summer since I was in Primary school that I hadn't smelt anything other than the polluted air of the UK nor tasted foods anything but homely. (apart from the odd Wagamamas that is)
However looking outside right now it does already appear as though we're already sitting in November. But you know those cold mornings when it almost feels like you'll stop breathing should you dare to slip a single toe out from under the bed sheet.. we'll I for one am now looking forward to them!
To re-establish a routine in my life, to not spend nights up late and mornings sleeping late too. To have a focus and a reason. That's what I'm looking forward to.
A boiling coffee flask in hand, biker boots with sheepskin socks underneath, woolly hats, fingerless studded gloves and a trench coat to boot. Mhmm maybe on the December/January mornings I'll dawn the ferret.
There is just something very homely about Winter. Maybe its the darkness, the log fires, the stew. Maybe its plain simple.. and its just to cold to leave your home & that's why.
Who knows?
But anyhow I can't wait. Hot water bottle at the ready.