Hello my lovelies!
How are we?
Well today I began a new life as a ... STUDENT!
Well to be quite truthful with you all I didn't actually have a class today. I was just enrolling but all the same you may call me a student!
Its quite interesting actually, this morning I had a tummy full of nervous and excitement and a mind filled with ambition and will! It felt like 1st year all over almost. Only the geeky green uniform and tent skirt was replaced with skinny jeans, biker boots, a red and grey checked lumberjack shirt and the Barbour and instead of a canvas schoolbag it was a studded City Balenciaga.
Another thing which is new to me is public transport. I parked up the minrod and joined the commuters on the tracks of N.I rail! GROSS! Or that's what I thought! In fact it wasn't so bad on the way up I had time to collect my thoughts and listen to Minus the Bear and en route home I had the October edition of Elle with the likes of Pete Doherty, Lilly Allen and even Boris Johnson for company. I think that rail may be better than road. But ask me in the Winter see how I feel about it then. I'm sure my opinion will have changed.
Aside from that I have no other news. All is tres quiet but all is equally all good!
Leaving you with this

Laters xoxo